4 Social Media Platforms You Should Use

How many social media applications/platform are you using? ohhh…do you have problems to count all of them? Let me guess, some of those applications you are using on your mobile, some on your computer. Pick a number: Lets think how many (really) social media applications/platforms we can use and be …

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New Kind of Volunteers?

Are you a volunteer? Have you ever done some volunteer work? In your opinion – who the volunteer is? Lets start from definition of volunteering: Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity, intended to promote good or improve human quality of life, but people also volunteer for their own skill …

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3 Steps of Smart Networking

What does networking mean to you? What kind of techniques do you use to find new connections? Lets start from the definition of Social Network from Wikipedia A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called “nodes”, which are tied (connected) by one or more …

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