Do We Need Google Offers?

What do you think about shopping? Do you like it? Just think about going to the shopping mall and search for some things you need to buy or maybe you prefer to do shopping on-line? Have you ever bought anything on Groupon or Livingsocial? It’s all about collective buyer power …

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4 Social Media Platforms You Should Use

How many social media applications/platform are you using? ohhh…do you have problems to count all of them? Let me guess, some of those applications you are using on your mobile, some on your computer. Pick a number: Lets think how many (really) social media applications/platforms we can use and be …

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Where Do I Find Free Background Music to My Presentation or Video?

…so you decided to create a youtube video or maybe you want to record your presentation using e.g. camstudio? That’s really great, do it! …but you want to add also background music and don’t know where to find free one? before you start searching the internet for free background music …

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