How Can I Change My Life? Interesting Book to Read – Part 1

street sign_aheadLinchpin is not the newest book by Seth Godin but it’s one of those you should read. And the truth is you don’t need to spend a lot of time because it’s so interesting that you will read all 244 pages in one evening.
Before I quote those parts of the book which I found most interesting, let me quote what Seth wrote on his website:

Make something happen.

I started wondering what does it mean? I understand what ‘MAKE‘ + ‘SOMETHING‘ + ‘HAPPEN‘ mean but

  • what does it mean to ME?
  • What does it mean to YOU?
  • What we can do to change our lives?

Aren’t we afraid of changing even small things? We’d rather keep that status quo instead of doing something new/better with ourselves. And …. 50 years later it might be too late.
I know that Seth Godin is looking at the bigger picture, like in his book “Linchpin” He is talking about the world around us – that the world is not the same and it won’t be the same like 15 years ago. What our parents though was the best way to live your life – it’s a little (or even more than a little) different right now.
I bet some things we should still learn from past generations but we should adept all of that in a new reality.

Seth, in his book, suggested:

My goal is to persuade you that there is an opportunity available to you, a chance to significantly change your life for the better. Not by doing something that’s easy or that you’ve been trained to do, but by understanding how the rules of our world have fundamentally changed and by taking advantage of this moment to become someone the world believes is indispensable.

Again I am asking myself a question — do I think about opportunities available to me? or firs I should ask myself – do I believe there are opportunities out there for me? Maybe I’m too scared to even think that there are any.

Maybe we are too scared to change anything in our lives because that ‘old’ version of us do not let us move on. Maybe we feel to comfortable – even in that uncomfortable situation – to move on.

…but there are some people who changed something in their lives. Why they did it and we can’t?
What is the difference between Seth Godin, Brian Solis, Mari Smith and us? Why they could change their lives and create something great?

I am thinking – we can do it as well. It’s just NOT easy. SO maybe SMALL STEPS?

    …to be continued


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  1. I think the biggest thing is just doing stuff and not worrying about failure. Traditional education conditions us to fear failure, seek affirmation, and play things safe so taking risks and just plunging in can be hard sometimes. I love Seth Godin. He’s one of the few thinkers that really motivates me and speaks to my soul. Linchpin is one I have not read yet but, you’re right, his books are easy reads.

  2. Yogizilla (or short Yogizi 😉

    I need to admit that all my life I thought that Americans are those who are not afraid of failure that much as European. And here I am …listening to people around me and world is changing – we are worried/afraid that being creative and proactive might be NOT safe anymore.
    That’s terrible – because if we feel we want to be proactive/creative we should at least try. We should try because nobody will do that for us.
    Seth Godin is a voice of present world and I think we should listen to what people like him have to say.

  3. Pingback: How Can I Change My Life? Interesting Book to Read – Part 2 « Klaudia Jurewicz

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