What’s the Social Media Big Trio?

Have you ever wonder where should you ‘be’ in social media? which social media application you should use? We all know that there are a lot of social media application: SocialMediaLandscape2011
image by fred cavazza

Did you know where exactly you should start your journey with social media?

Maybe the best way is to start from setting your accounts on Big Trio: social media big trio

  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter

Those are (so far) the biggest and most popular social media platforms. You can stay connected with your friends/family/business partners via those three.

You should ask yourself a few questions before you set up your accounts/profiles:

  • private or business or both — will you use those applications to communicate with your friends/family or business partners/customers
  • will you use your mobile or computer or both to access to your social media accounts
  • how often will you update your profiles? — if you want to build the number of followers on Twitter, or make sure your Facebook fans are checking your Facebook page status often

Whether you will decide to have private or professional profile on one of those three platforms – make sure you are consistent. Start from that and then discover more social media platforms.


social media helper for Older Adults and Non-Techies | blogger at groovypinkblog.com | guest speaker | coach | helping Baby Boomers and Older Adults to understand social media, stay safe online and discover iPhone/iPad world

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